What is the Difference Between Ozone Generators and Ionizers?

Ozone generators and ionizers are two popular air purification systems that are used to improve air quality. While both of these systems can be effective in reducing pollutants, they work in very different ways. Ozone generators use a process called oxidation to attack the source of bad odors and permanently remove them, while ionizers reduce particles such as dust and pollen that float in air spaces. The main difference between ozone generators and ionizers is that ozone generators deliberately produce ozone, while ionizers can sometimes produce ozone as a by-product.

Ionizers work on the principle that negatively charged ions adhere to allergens and dust, which are positively charged particles. These particles then fall to the floor or nearby surfaces, ready to be cleaned. Negative ions are believed to have a number of health benefits and can be found naturally in the environment in places like the beach and after a storm. Ionizers can be a cost-effective option, but they usually aren't as effective as air purifiers that trap particles in a filter (or destroy them completely). Nor can they reduce levels of VOCs or chemicals in the air.

There is a huge difference between ionizers and ozone generators, not only in terms of technology, but also in terms of specific pollutants. An ionizer will deal with particles suspended in the air, while an ozone generator will only deal with gases.